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Conversational AI speech assistants

In the past few years there has been a significant rise in the use of Conversational AI based Speech Assistants. Whether it is for finding out information, making a purchase, or achieving a task, people are now getting comfortable interacting with devices by just using their voice. How many times have you asked your phone assistant to call a person? Or your smart home device to play your favourite song? Probably more than you can remember. Voice search today is considered to be four times faster than written search, and although the adoption of technology is still at its nascent stage, there is no denying that voice is the future.

The adoption of speech assistants is set to drive and shift consumer behavior and experience, exponentially. If companies want to survive they need to prepare and adjust accordingly. With limited visual interfaces that support a speech assistant directly, users today simply cannot see or touch a voice interface unless it is connected to a smart assistant app and the idea of an autonomous assistant that follows you everywhere is a little far-fetched. But this is what Artiligent is all set to change.

With a focus to boost productivity, Artiligent is a high-tech enterprise connecting the virtual world with the real world through its user-friendly robots. A tech company at its core, Artiligent has developed unique softwares and customisations on various autonomous robots, with AI speech assistant being a key development.

These new AI speech assistants use Conversational AI can offer personalized experiences and can be easily customized based on individual company needs. Users can ask the bot a range of simple questions like ‘What’s on my calendar today?’ or ‘Tell me if it will rain tomorrow?’, as well as complex queries like find out commute schedules, update me on the E ward patient Anna, menu options, patient history, employee logins, store payment portals for speedy transactions and link accounts with multiple devices.

Apart from that the bots by Artiligent can be equipped with a suite of upgraded AI-powered functions, including facial recognition, hand gesture control, and eye gesture detection, far-field voice interaction, autonomous navigation and many more.

Thinking about how they really work? Here are five reasons an AI speech bot can instantly upgrade your business.

Dynamic Use

Our robots software is designed to be dynamic, making it accessible to every type of business. They can be used while working, multi-tasking, in bed and even in public centres like malls, hospitals, cafes and airports. Setting our bot in public spaces is also a smarter, faster, and easier way to provide information and help new customers and users, thus creating a better brand relationship with them. For example, the speech assistant in a hospital can help doctors to check on their patients without being present there in real-time, guide new patients or visitors around the property as well help connect patients with their families and friends with just the power of voice.

Self-directed learning

Our AI assistant software is a great learner. It will automatically analyse all the questions users ask and come up with the best answers. For example if the speech bot is placed inside a mall or at the airport, it can collect and classify data as when new people approach it. The system can also store new questions on its own and keep on updating its core memory. This feature is ideal for businesses that have limited human resources but wish to cater to a wider audience.

Connects with IoT devices

The AI speech assistant bot can connect with your home and office IoT devices. With just your voice you can command to operate. Example - Turn on or off lights/AC, schedule a call or simply play things on your Tv. Companies can also place the bot in factories and warehouses to monitor the production process, talk with staff in real-time and get expert advice from anywhere across the globe.

Customer-Centric Personalisation

With the power of AI speech our bots make the best assistant you can ever have. Users can ask personalised questions like, ‘where can I get a USPA t-shirt?’and the bot will instantly map a route for you. It will not just tell you where but also navigate and escort you there autonomously. Places like airports, malls and large offices are ideal places to use this bot as people tend to get lost easily and often look out for guidance.

Information portal

With a powerful operating system our smart bots can store a wide variety of information. From FAQ’s to map routes, store name, and menus, the bot works like an information warehouse. Businesses can customize the robots memory basis their own requirement and provide instant service anytime and anywhere. Hospitals can equip the speech bot with instructions to multiple surgical procedures as well as solutions to various diagnoses which in turn can help doctors and patients in terms of emergencies. Similarly restaurants, cafes, offices and shopping centers can store multiple information to help their guests and users.

As voice assistants become more pervasive, the people at Artiligent have developed a platform that is consistent, saves time and most importantly helps make life easier. Customer relationships and perception of brands are bound to change with the new wave of technology.

With Artiligent’s Conversational AI, companies will now have the opportunity to engage with their consumers on an individual level. Create new voice-based business models that help to balance diminishing traditional screen-based revenue streams and anticipate customer needs using big data and predictive analysis offered by our smart bot to then provide relevant, up-to-date information to their customers.

Make voice a priority by driving and implementing a voice strategy today! Want to know more about how an AI speech assistant can transform your business?

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